
Sukesini Hair oil

Ingredients like Ela, Devadaru, Satee and Bakuchi, processed in lime juice and fenugreek gel make this oil stand out from scores of hair oils in the market! Very effective in pre mature graying of hair and moustache. Strengthens the hair and makes it soft and silky!

◘ Hairfall ◘ Split ends ◘ Premature grey hair ◘ Frizzy hair ◘ Dry/Damaged hair

Pristine coconut based hairoil, from the Coramandal coast of Andhra.Made with the herbs harvested from homegrown farms

  • Karkatasringi
  • Devadaru
  • Ela
  • Satee
  • Bakuchi
  • Methi
  • Kalasakam

Oil to be applied on the scalp and massaged mildly, once in three days